Tuesday, January 4, 2011


A standard pull-upResolved: Jennifer Adelle (Peterson) Quick will be able to do one unassisted pull-up by midnight on December 31, 2011.

I am much more comfortable hiding behind less physically intense activities that require no upper-body strength -- like debating the above resolution -- than actually accomplishing it.

Define pull-up.
What exactly IS an unassisted pull-up?
Does pull-up require a hyphen?

Accomplishing this one pull-up by 12.31.11 goal will be monumental.

Indeed, I have run a marathon, or two, or five, very slowly.  I've given birth to a bouncing, 8 lbs 8 oz baby in record time with nary a painkiller to numb the pain.

For me, lifting the full weight of my body off the ground is something completely different and daunting.

Time and again, I miserably failed the Presidential Fitness Test in elementary school as I was unable to hold my chin above the bar for the requisite amount of time.

At age 37, I am determined that I will accomplish a feat that I wasn't able to accomplish during my youth.  This seems to be quite a juxtaposition against the "serene and indifferent" and "Be kind to yourself" vibe I had been going for this school year.

My pull-up goal is a primal urge that I have to do challenging, hard-core physical work.  My need for physical activity isn't fulfilled through my career as a high school English teacher, which requires extended time sitting on my ample hindquarters grading essays and planning lessons.

Working toward my pull-up goal will require a bit of serenity and plenty of being kind to myself.

I do not expect this blog to become the next Julie and Julia.  I do want this blog to help me be accountable for my goal and document my journey.  I hope that I'll garner a few followers who will hold me accountable as well.

Therefore, be it resolved that
Jennifer Adelle (Peterson) Quick is hereby on notice to do

one pull-up
by the end of this
one year.

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