Sunday, June 26, 2011

Shhh... Don't Tell Coach.

Pantry clean sweep
At our Paleo-Challenge introductory meeting in January we were told to go home and clean out the pantry.  Pitch it all. My family would have freaked.

Throughout the past six months we have persevered through the challenge and beyond, but the stocked pantry remained filled with typical family food stuff.

Six months later, she's finally clean.

The gunk is gone.

The Quick Family Singers aren't thrilled, but it's not the shock it would have been in January.

Pull-Up Update for the Week Ending 6.24.11:

It's not been pretty, friends.

  • During one workout that included pull ups, I needed the assistance of a fat green band and sweet Kelley Colby pushing me up to get my chin above the bar.
  • During a push-press workout I hit myself in the nose with a bar.

Summary of this post in nine words or less?

Ego is in check, and the pantry is clean.

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